
The Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Volume 6: Proverbs–Isaiah (Revised Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Scholarly and accessible, Proverbs–Isaiah is a comprehensive and succinct commentary that guides users to the text’s core meaning. With enhanced ease-of-use features, specialized discussion of key words and concepts, and each commentator’s point-of-view on the text’s implications for life, it is a vital resource for every preacher, teacher, and student of the Bible.

It is characteristic of Isaiah to introduce a messianic theme at a somewhat general level before spelling it out in unambiguously messianic terms (cf. comments on 4:2 and 42:1; also the Introduction, pp. 455–58). This interpretation, therefore, enables us to see the passage as part of a wider pattern in the book. So, I am contending, Isaiah predicts the coming of a boy who will be a sign from God to his contemporaries and who will foreshadow Christ, in whom the terms of the prophecy—abstracted from
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